Seeking Beauty
“It is a seeking and finding adventure when I notice Him in everything. Today, He met me in the park as a flock of birds waltzed overhead. I wonder where I will find Him tomorrow (from There Is Beauty Still).”

Our Words Matter
I am a firm believer that words carry weight. They have meaning and lasting impact. They matter. And they definitely matter in the conversation surrounding trafficking and exploitation.
“Underage woman”. “Child prostitute”. Let’s be clear - there are no “underage women”, there are children. And there is no such thing as a “child prostitute”. They are a victim and survivor of sexual exploitation.

“Why do you keep pushing education? I want TO DO something about trafficking!”
If we only know what trafficking looks like in another part of the world, we will miss what is happening in our own small town. And if that is what we are looking for then we will miss the majority of those being trafficked.

Sound of Freedom: An Anti-Trafficking Insider’s Perspective
It inevitably happens. A new movie comes out. A book. A documentary. A news headline. Anything semi-related to trafficking and the questions come. “Did you see {insert new movie/documentary name here}?” “Have you heard what happened in {insert city or state}?” Sometimes these questions are asked because friends and acquaintances are excited to share what they have learned, and sometimes it’s because people are concerned. And other times it’s because they want the opinions of those in the field.

SSD Happenings
As the summer brings forth vacations, pool days, and family picnics by the river, we at SSD will continue to work hard for the women we serve. Since the beginning of the year, the number of women we work with has grown. Trafficking and exploitation are not slowing down, but neither are we. We couldn’t do any of this without you. We are thankful for you.

Why We Aren’t Rescuers
Many of us have images of a victim of trafficking snatched off the street. Or we envision taking on the role of Liam Neeson in the movie “Taken”. But, as we have shared many times before, trafficking rarely looks like this. It’s not a kidnapping. Over 90% of those trafficked are trafficked by someone they know and trust.

The Pros and Cons in the Debate Around Sex Work Legalization
On paper legalization sounds good. Laws should ensure safety and justice. And supporters of legalization will tell us that if the government is responsible for setting guidelines and enforcing them there will be fairness. Sadly, we see otherwise with what is already in place. Currently, selling and purchasing sex are criminal offenses. However, arrests and convictions for selling far outnumber the arrests and convictions for buying, at least in Pennsylvania (Spring-2020-Report.pdf (cseinstitute.org)). Legalization of sex work is no guarantee of safety or fairness.

Trafficking vs Prostitution, Part Two
There is no question that sexual activity in exchange for money, goods or services (housing, drugs, food, etc) with someone under the age of 18 is considered trafficking. There is much conversation centered around “choice” when it comes to adults. Whether someone chooses to engage in prostitution as the result of a well-informed choice or a lack of choices, the reality is that it is a dangerous and exploitative job.

Why does she keep going back?
As we continue to learn more about those trafficked or exploited in the commercial sex industry this is a question we seek to answer. As you have read in previous blogs about exiting the industry there are many barriers that can prevent exit as well as lead to re-entry.

Barriers to Exiting Commercial Sex Work, Part Two
“Why does she keep going back?”
As we continue to learn more about those trafficked or exploited in the commercial sex industry this is a question we seek to answer. As you have read in previous blogs about exiting the industry there are many barriers that can prevent exit as well as lead to re-entry.

Barriers to Exiting the Commerical Sex Industry
Leaving trafficking and exploitative relationships is complex. There is no easy answer, nor can someone really “just leave”. There are many obstacles as we’ve talked about – including the locus of control, trauma bonding, and numerous others.

Ambassador of Love & Hope
“What is an Ambassador of Love & Hope and why would I want to be one??” Maybe you are asking yourself this question as you see the promotion for our upcoming awareness event.

Legalization, Decriminalization, Partial Decriminalization
Criminalization, legalization, decriminalization, partial-decriminalization, ... These are the terms we hear circulating when it comes to “sex work” policies. And, to be honest, if you are not in this every day it can be overwhelming to keep them straight. So, let’s start with the definitions of each.

Sex Trafficking is Not a Conspiracy Theory
“Sex Trafficking is not a conspiracy theory!”
If you have been on any type of social media over the last several years you have no doubt seen this shared. And it is true – sex trafficking is not a conspiracy theory. But, unfortunately, there are many conspiracy theories being shared.

Prostitution or Trafficking
Prostitution and trafficking are so closely intertwined it is impossible to only focus on trafficking (as it falls under the legal definition). And whether someone was forced into trafficking or entered through perceived choice the reality is that it is a dangerous, exploitive culture. Many in prostitution are abused, assaulted, and raped. More than 60% suffer from PTSD. How many would you think would choose this if presented with a real choice?

Breaking Strongholds
Prayer is foundational to the work that is being done through She’s Somebody’s Daughter. While there are many things that can be accomplished by our efforts (for a brief time, at least) there is one thing that we can never do ourselves – break strongholds.

Pray for Awareness
Many years ago, as I encountered some difficult situations, someone suggested that I start asking God “what can I learn from this?” rather than questioning why it was happening. What was offered to me was a change in perspective.

Pray for Prevention
As we have shared before we firmly believe that awareness is key to prevention. The ability to recognize a victim of trafficking and exploitation. To fully understand what grooming looks like. To see the warning signs early enough to take action.

The Reality of Trafficking
Zip ties on car mirrors. A man following a mom and child through a store. A child being watched at the bus stop. Trafficking is everywhere - even in our own backyards.
We see these warnings of human trafficking everywhere. So are they true?

What Are Some of the Signs of Trafficking
“So what do I look for?” “How do I know if someone is being trafficked?” These are some of the most common questions we receive during awareness presentations, especially after we have just shared that most victims are not kidnapped or kept chained in dark rooms as often portrayed in media.