Sermon Options

What can we learn from the Bible about trafficking and exploitation? Scripture is filled with stories of women we have read about time and again. But what happens when we look at them through the lens of trafficking and exploitation?

Below are some scripture passages from which She’s Somebody’s Daughter has developed sermons that we use to help churches understand exploitation, vulnerabilities that can lead to trafficking and exploitation, and the obstacles those in these situations can face.

Judah and Tamar - Genesis 38.

What can we learn from the story of Judah and Tamar about “choice” in prostitution when it appears as if those there are choosing it? How can we learn to support and honor those affected by the response of Judah and the lineage of Tamar?

David and Bathsheba - 2 Samuel 11.

Learn about the power dynamics that can lead to exploitive relationships and the fallout from these. How do we as a church respond in situations of abuse of power? What does it look like to be aware of these and have a protocol in place if there is a revelation of this in our church? 

Jesus, the Woman with the Bleeding Issue and Jairus’ Daughter - Luke 8:40-56.

We will look at the very real differences between two women during biblical times and what this meant for them and their healing. Jesus’ response teaches how we should respond to any and all (despite appearances and cultural stigmas).

Jesus and the Samaritan Woman - John 4:1-30.

Jesus’ interaction with the Samaritan Woman at the well can teach us much about how to interact with those affected by exploitation and trafficking. How do we convey love and truth without judging?

Interested in having SSD come speak on one of these particular topics and passages? We are happy to cover a Sunday morning for you!

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