Breaking Strongholds
By Tanya Pearrell
Prayer is foundational to the work that is being done through She’s Somebody’s Daughter. While there are many things that can be accomplished by our efforts (for a brief time, at least) there is one thing that we can never do ourselves – break strongholds.
The biggest stronghold that we fight against is the cultural message of pornography and sexuality. You only have to watch television or listen to the radio for a brief time to see and hear that we live in a pornographic culture. While it has a visual and audible aspect its roots are firmly entrenched in the unseen. It is bondage.
As we seek to shift culture and the perspective on pornography the only form of warfare that will break the stronghold is prayer. Would you please pray with us that as we raise awareness blinders would be removed? That scales covering eyes would fall away. Pray that God would change hearts and minds. That he would open eyes to the reality of what is happening in our culture.
Pray that the strongholds pornography has placed on minds would be broken. Pray that minds would see the evidence of the effects pornography has on the brain. Pray for healing and restoration for those that have been affected – the exploiter, the exploited and those others that experience the fallout.
To learn more about what She’s Somebody’s Daughter is doing to erase the lines of separation that isolate those affected by exploitation and abuse visit our website ( or contact us at