Industry & Ex-Industry

We commit to:

  • Partner with you on your journey. You are the expert on your life, not us; we’re here to walk alongside and offer support and encouragement on the way.

  • Honor your privacy by following strict confidentiality. 

  • Do our best to provide a sense of safety and security in all our interactions.

Comfort — You guys comfort me and talk to me and always make sure I’m alright and you’re always there for me.
A place that you can call home, stay strong, stand up, have a voice. Bond, family.
...supportive, helpful, empathetic, authentic, strong, inspiring, motivational, memorable, generous, friendly and blessed...
As part of the SSD community, I have felt accepted and valued, never judged but met with unconditional love. I cannot think of one day where I did not feel supported emotionally and physically.

“That place is absolutely amazing, and so is everyone in it. You guys have helped me so much… I really truly believe in God. I questioned it before, but now I don’t at all. I feel so welcomed and positive when I’m there. I’m allowed to be me.”

“A place where you are accepted and welcomed with positive and unconditional love and understanding no matter what your walk of life has been.”