Pray for Awareness

By Tanya Pearrell

Many years ago, as I encountered some difficult situations, someone suggested that I start asking God, “What can I learn from this?” rather than questioning why it was happening. What was offered to me was a change in perspective. 

I’ve come to realize that we often need a shift in perspective. One of the responsibilities I have at She’s Somebody’s Daughter is awareness. With awareness, we seek to shift peoples’ perspectives regarding trafficking and sexual exploitation. We want women to be seen as people with value, not objects for gratification. We desire for everyone to see women working in the commercial sex industry as women to be loved. 

Change in perspective comes through education. God continues to teach me that this is a process. Thought processes and perspectives do not change overnight. And so I’ll continue to educate, both formally and informally, as I’m given the opportunity. 

Would you join us in praying for continued opportunities to provide awareness and shift perspective in our community? Pray with us that, as awareness increases, so also will our ability to see those that are most vulnerable and at risk. And with awareness will come a resolve to speak out. 

We welcome the opportunity to share with your church or community group. To request a presentation please visit Host an Event — She's Somebody's Daughter ( or reach out to me -


Breaking Strongholds


Pray for Prevention