Building Communities of
that Honor Women
National Human Trafficking Hotline
We exist to erase lines of separation that isolate those affected by sexual exploitation.
“As part of the SSD community, I
have felt accepted and valued, never judged but met with unconditional love. I cannot think of one day where I did not feel supported emotionally and physically.” -a Daughter
Our Organization
Read our story of more than a decade working to end exploitation through three initiatives: Awareness, Outreach, and Community.
Take Action
Ready to take the next step? You can partner financially, through prayer, or in a variety of volunteer opportunities.
Find Support
We have many options of support for those who are or have been involved with the commercial sex industry or experienced sexual abuse. Whether you’re looking for tangible resources, a safe place to connect with others who understand, or a supportive network to help you toward your goals, we would love to connect with you.